There are several brands and manufacturers that offer functional drinks, including hye watermelon (€3/drink) and le melo (€1.75/drink). Both are functional drinks that not only help with hydration but also contain a number of healthy ingredients.
Compared to hye watermelon, le melo contains more ingredients that are important for exercise and hydration. These include minerals like potassium and magnesium, which are important for regulating fluid balance in the body and muscle function. Le melo also contains more vitamin C, which is needed for the immune system and cell regeneration.
Another advantage of le melo is that it is offered in stick packs. This packaging is more sustainable than the traditional bottle as it uses less plastic and is easier to transport. This way you can conveniently take le melo with you to hydrate yourself and balance your fluid balance on the go.
Overall, le melo offers more ingredients compared to hye watermelon and is therefore better suited for exercise and hydration. The sustainable stick pack packaging also makes it a greener choice. So if you are looking for a functional drink that not only tastes good but also benefits your health, you should consider le melo.