Creatin: Essentielles Wissen vor der Ergänzung

Creatine: Essential Knowledge Before Supplementing

When it comes to improving athletic performance and muscle building, creatine is one of the most commonly mentioned supplements. However, before committing to incorporating this supplement ...
Kreatin: Wie viel? Wann? Die beste Sorte? Alles, was du wissen willst, und noch einiges mehr.

Creatine: how much? When? The best kind? Everything you want to know and then some.

If you have health and fitness goals (no matter how modest) and you exercise at least twice a week, then taking creatine can help. Do you go hiking, running or cycling? Instead of draggi...
Powerade oder Gatorade: Was ist das beste Sportgetränk?

Powerade or Gatorade: What's the Best Sports Drink?

Sports Drinks in Focus: Gatorade vs Powerade The importance of hydration during exercise cannot be overemphasized. We examine Gatorade and Powerade, two popular sports drinks, to compare their...
Welche Elektrolyte brauchst du?

Hydration Guide for Athletes: What Electrolytes Do You Need?

As an athlete, you know firsthand that achieving peak performance, meeting personal goals, and maintaining success are a result of the specific program you have developed to take care of you...
Warum sollte ich Magnesium in meinen Alltag aufnehmen?

Why should I include magnesium in my everyday life?

Research shows that the majority of Europeans do not meet their magnesium requirements. Magnesium is essential for a number of bodily functions and can aid in muscle relaxation, sleep and a host o...
10 Dinge, die du über Flüssigkeitszufuhr wissen muss

10 things you need to know about hydration

10 things you need to know about hydration You sweat whenever you're doing something that gets you really hot, like exercising or mowing the lawn in the sweltering heat. Sweat contains fl...
Warum ist Natrium entscheidend für die Leistungsfähigkeit von Sportlern?

Why is sodium critical to athlete performance?

Sodium plays a key role in your body's functions, helping to maintain hydration and cognitive function. That's why it's important to replace some of the sodium you're losing when your sweat lo...
Elektrolyte: Was sie sind und warum du sie brauchst, um gesund zu bleiben

Electrolytes: what they are and why you need them to stay healthy

What are electrolytes The role of electrolytes in our body The electrolytes you should know about Electrolyte imbalances and deficiencies How to keep your electrolytes in check The...
Was verursacht Muskelkrämpfe (und was man dagegen tun kann)?

What Causes Muscle Cramps (And What To Do About It)?

What Causes Muscle Cramps (And What To Do About It)? Muscle cramps can be caused by muscle fatigue, improper hydration, or electrolyte imbalances. Find out why and what natural remedies for...