Die Wissenschaft hinter Radfahren und Hydration

The science behind cycling and hydration

The science behind cycling and hydration

While the best cyclists can make a grueling ride look effortless, cycling requires great amounts of power, speed, and strength. In order to keep your energy up and get the most out of your ride, proper hydration is crucial. If you e.g. planning a ride where you are 2% below your optimal hydration level - this is usually the point where you start to feel thirsty - your performance will drop by up to 11%.

In fact, even mild dehydration - less than 1% below your optimal hydration level - can lead to poorer performance. Also, dehydration makes cycling more painful, making the ride less comfortable than it should be. Dehydration also contributes to fatigue and causes you to break down faster than if you were fully hydrated.

How can you prevent fatigue and cramps while improving your performance? During exercise, you should start drinking immediately, taking small sips about every 10 to 15 minutes. Drinking le melo hydration while driving helps replace body water as quickly as you lose it, which in turn counteracts cramps and fatigue.

Another important consideration for cyclists is the osmolality of your drinking water. The what? Osmolality is a measure of how much solids are dissolved in the liquid, i.e. how "dense" the liquid is. The osmolality of the fluid you ingest must be equal to or lower than the osmolarity of the blood in order for your intestines to absorb it. If the osmolality of the ingested fluid is too high, then the fluid is held in the stomach and the body draws water from the bloodstream to absorb it. Basically, if the osmolality of your drink is too high, your body will continue to dehydrate. Choosing a drink with the right osmolality is important for proper hydration and avoiding stomach upset.

Finally, what you eat after your ride is just as important as what you eat during your workout. The three most important tasks during the recovery phase are 1) stopping the body's exercise-induced catabolic (breaking down) response; 2) the intake of high-quality protein to facilitate muscle repair; and 3) restoring the body's glycogen stores. Our le melo watermelon consists of an optimal ratio.

Get the most out of every ride by effectively hydrating during the ride and recovering afterwards with the right nutrients. No matter how hard you train on the bike, you should feel as good as possible while doing it. Take care of your body and avoid cramps, fatigue and injuries by staying properly hydrated and consuming the right nutrients during recovery.